Clothes that enRICHES YOU

to uplift, to question, to inspire, to remind you ... to be aware daily, every moment.

Dear Conscious Consumer,

What lifestyles are you buying into? What values do you identify with?

What causes do you align with? And what actions do you stand for?

Who's got your back covered? And are they worthy of you??


Question:- Whose pockets are you feeding?? How are THEY supporting YOU? Do THEY share with YOUR communities?


That necessity led to a decision to provide an avenue for better choices.

Use the designs here to inspire, expand your counsciousness and together we can work on our transformation.

Just make a choice, each moment, each day, in the direction to sharpen awareness.

Merch to inspire the heart -> to inspire the behaviour -> to inspire the change -> to free the heart.

Your transformation, our human evolution!

Light up the connection!

When you choose a design here, you are supporting:

1) Feel good merch - YOUR OWN BACK covered!

2) Your personal enrichment - inspired by Buddhist teachings and quotes (Stoic, Epictetus, Rumi, etc.)

3) Your communities' good causes - 20% of profits go to a non-profit organisation that nurtures healing and recovery through wellbeing.


Choose awareness. It's a win-win situation! NOW you can!

Yours truly,

Our Universal Voice for Awareness


Designs that:

Jolt - awareness,

Provoke - status quo,

Question - thoughts,

Reframe - situations,

Disrupt - assumptions,

Stimulate - behaviours,

Repattern - habits,

Remind and Support YOU!


Clothes worth Wearing!

Lifestyle worth Sharing!

Gurus worth Following!

Choices worth Making!

Path worth Taking!

Values worth Cultivating!

Routine worth Developing!

Actions worth Subscribing!

Conversations worth Starting!

Habits worth Training!

Food worth Eating!

Work worth Doing!

Houses worth Building!

Life worth Living!

Power of words

Choose words that tap into your

inner power to:

- voice,

- create,

- reflect,

- ponder,

- connect,

- channel your energy,

- show your solidarity,

- uplift your community!

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